Jul 13, 2008

Supplies for needy children in Africa

My 10 year old son Brandon began his very own program at age 9 to help under-privileged children in Nigeria by collecting educational supplies for them. Over the last year and a half, approximately 700 children and 50 teachers have benefited from his efforts! Please visit http://www.beep4kids.com/ to learn more about this powerful act of kindness and love by a very unique & special child. There are many great pictures, as well as information on the schools that he has helped so far. It's amazing what one person can do - we need more people in the world like this! Imagine it.....
If you are interested in helping out, JG Beads / JG Beaded Jewelry will donate 15% of all sales when using Coupon Code BEEP during checkout (with free shipping!) at http://www.jgbeadedjewelry.com/
Don't forget to register for a chance to win a free gift!

Thank you!

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