May 28, 2011

How to get the best pricing on sterling silver and other materials

The price of sterling silver has been on the rise for quite some time now. The last time I purchased sterling wire, the cost was approximately $13/oz. Nowadays it is over $35/oz! Silver prices for may 27th is $37.96. All I can say is OUCH and I am glad I bought more than I needed a couple years ago! With many companies, you never know what your final order is going to cost until you receive the bill. I feel that this practice is completely unfair. The price should be calculated at the time of the order.
On the other hand, what if the cost is lower when the order is invoiced or visa versa? Can't seem to win either way, maybe it's just the luck of the draw.
There are quite a few companies that I buy my precious metals, beads and gemstones from. It is always worth the time and energy to look around for the best offer. Generally, the more you buy - the better the price break. These days, the price break doesn't feel like much considering what we were paying last year and even the year before that!
I have noticed that many crafters are pooling their orders so that the best price is available to them. Great idea, but somewhat of a hassle. Who gets what - how much, ect. Many times, the sterling wire comes in one piece, unless you pay them extra to make the cuts in length which just seems like a waste of money to me. So, if you are in a circle of friends that have similar taste in metals, raw materials, loose beads, temporarily strung gemstones and beads, my advice is to get it together and make your order together. It's also an excuse to spend time with great people, share ideas and make a day out of it (or at least a few hours!).

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